Critics of "Show, don't tell" ~ I feel like a rebel today...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Not all writing coaches and bestselling authors agree that "Show, don't tell" is sound advice. According to Renne Browne and Dave King, narrative summary has its uses, the main one being to vary the rhythm and texture of writing. Narrative summary can also be useful where the story has a lot of repetitive action. Also, some plot developments are simply not important enough to justify scenes.

According to Orson Scott Card, "showing" is so terribly time consuming that it is to be used only for dramatic scenes. The objective is to get the right balance of telling versus showing, action versus summarization. Either could be right; either could be wrong. Factors like rhythm, pace, and tone come into play. The issue of when to "show" and when to "tell" is subject to ongoing debate.

Info courtesy of Wikipedia...don't you just love Wiki-world?

Happy Valentines Day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

“Many are the starrs I see, but in my eye no starr like thee.” ~ English saying used on poesy rings.

A couple more quotes...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

“I am returning this otherwise good typing paper to you because someone printed gibberish all over it and put your name at the top.” ~ English Professor (Name Unknown), Ohio University

“Substitute “damn” every time you’re inclined to write “very;” your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as is should be.” ~ Mark Twain

Can’t say I understand what Twain means. I fear I use the word “very,” when ever I feel very inclined to do so. And I doubt editors would be removing the word “damn” now days. Still, I like the quote!

And, no, an English Professor did not say that to me. Though it certainly could happen, I know I make plenty of mistakes and write my own share of gibberish. So as you read my blog, try to over-look any typographical errors, if you wouldn’t mind.

Just ‘cause…

Saturday, February 9, 2008

(Herer's another qoute I found about writing. I thought it was kind of funny.)

Do not put statements in the negative form.
And don’t start sentences with a conjunction.
If you reread your work ,you will find on rereading that a great deal of repetition can be avoid by rereading and editing.
Never use a long word when a diminutive one will do.
Unqualified superlatives are the worst of all.
De-accession euphemisms.
If any word is improper at the end of a sentence, a linking verb is.
Avoid trendy locutions that sound flaky.
Last, but not least, avoid clichés like the plague.
~ William Safire, “Great Rules for Writing”

Paltry Wastrel

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Wastrel ~ (
1. A wasteful person.
2. Chiefly British.
3. A refuse; waste. A waif, abandoned child. An idler or good-for-nothing.

Or ~ (American Heritage Dictionary)
1. One who wastes, especially one who wastes money, profligate.
2. An idler or a loafer.

Or ~ (Online Etymology Dictionary)
1. “Spendthrift, idler,” 1847

A pitiful wastrel just might make an interesting character for a book.

Why Vampires?

Monday, February 4, 2008

I didn’t choose vampires for my first novel because they appear to be popular right now. I had other reasons...

I wanted Ethan to be naturally eccentric and old-fashioned. I think a vampire who is 175 years old would cling to some of the traditions and mannerisms he was raised with. Sort of like my grandmother, who was very set in her ways at the age of 98. I can promise you, there was no changing her. So to me, that offers some interesting aspects for a character, especially when you bring that character into modern times.

My vampires are based loosely on elderly people. Does that sound funny? I guess it is one aspect that makes my vampires different from what is already out there. Besides being old-fashioned, they tend to be a little quirky, and have hobbies that may interest grandpa.

Ethan can be a rather romantic, debonair, and mature gentleman. His noble personality has been shaped by his lifestyle from 1834 England. He only appears to be in his early twenties, so this, mixed with his historical past, makes him a different sort of character, a real life Mr. Darcy. He has updated some things to fit socially within the twenty-first century. But you can still count on him to stand when a lady enters a room.

Beon is very regale and wise, just as a nobleman should be. He is currently a college professor and he loves to garden. Meticulously sculpting his shrubs into the shapes of animals is an obsession of his.

Sophia is highly sophisticated in her dress, but her personality could be confused with most doting grandmothers. She loves to bake and bustles around in a filthy apron, which she wears to protect her designer dress. She is a horribly messy cook.

Maximilian (Max for short) was a knight, and a member of the Order of the Garter. His knightly nature shines like the heavy armor he used to wear over 600 years ago.

Nadia is the only one who seems to be mythical when you meet her. She has a natural beauty about her. She doesn’t need makeup, and therefore, she doesn’t bother with it. Think Arwin from “Lord of the Rings,” except a little more bouncy.

Celeste is bad to the core—but, of course beautiful. That badness burns through her beauty, detracting from her polished good-looks.

Lucas – enter Jack the Ripper with a modern twist. Lucas is dark, evil, and decides to stalk Danielle, the American art student who finds herself lost in London.

Meet Danielle Darcey, the mortal who gets herself involved with all of these immortals. This girly-girl appeals to Ethan’s Victorian tastes. Besides being a typical girly-girl, Danielle has a black belt in karate. While she is frightened of little things, such as spiders, she can defend herself against bigger things, such as ill-mannered men. Much to her dismay, she learns her skills are useless against ill-mannered vampires.