YA Indie Carnival ~ What Reading Teaches Me...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Welcome to another YA Indie Carnival Post! Our Theme today: What Reading Teaches Me....
It teaches me how other people think.
It teaches me about life, history, faith, and facts, as well as myth.
It teaches me how to write.
It also teaches me how not to write, sometimes...
It teaches me to not give up on myself.
It teaches me that we all have different strengths and weaknesses as writers. From both, I learn more about my own writing style and it strengthens me as a writer. At least I think so...
It also teaches me that we can't be so hard on each other as writers! Find the good in each other's writing, and praise them for it. Everyone needs that little pat on the back sometimes because it's easy to doubt yourself in this very fiercely competitive market.

With that said, check out the other AMAZING writers and reviewers in YA Indie Carnival:
1.Laura A. H. Elliott author of Winnemucca & 13 on Halloween
2.Bryna Butler, author Midnight Guardian series
3.Heather Self
4.T. R. Graves, Author of The Warrior Series
5.Suzy Turner, author of The Raven Saga
6.Cheri Schmidt, author of the Fateful Trilogy
7.Rachel Coles, author of Into The Ruins, geek mom blog
8.K. C. Blake, author of Vampires Rule and Crushed
9.Patti Larsen, The Hunted series and The Hayle Coven series
10.Amy Maurer Jones, Author of The Soul Quest Trilogy
11.Dani Snell's Refracted Light Reviews
12. Fisher Amelie, author of The Understorey
13.M. Leighton, Blood Like Poison Series, Madly, The Reaping
14.Kimberly Kinrade, Bits of You & Pieces of Me, Forbidden Mind
15.Madeline Smoot, Missing, Summer Shorts, and The Girls
16.Cidney Swanson, author of Rippler
17.Gwenn Wright, author of Filter
18.TG Ayer
19.Melissa Pearl, Author of The Time Spirit Trilogy
20.Heather M. White, author of The Destiny Saga
21.Roots in Myth, PJ Hoover
22.Courtney Cole Writes
Patti Larsen said...

All marvelous points--I think as writers we need to be as in love with reading as we are with writing--learning comes from doing but also from observing and connecting with characters not our own. Great post!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Patti!

Suzy Turner said...

Absolutely Cheri! We do need a pat on the back every once in a while and I do agree that we should also concentrate on an author's strengths, not their negatives! X